EPA Region 5
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8:00 am to 4:30 pm Central time - r5hotline@epa.gov
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- Region 5 2020 End of Year Report
Events and Public Notices
ADM Geologic Sequestration Well - Proposed Order SDWA-05-2025-0001
EPA took action to protect underground sources of drinking water by issuing a proposed enforcement order to Archer Daniels Midland Co. for alleged violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act related to the company’s carbon sequestration injection project in
Draft 5X16 Permits Re-issuances for Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, Wells S-26 and S-34
EPA is providing the public an opportunity to comment on the proposed re-issuances of two Class 5X16 permits for Wells S-26 and S-34 to Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties.
EPA Begins Fifth Review of Woodstock Municipal Landfill Superfund Site
EPA is conducting a five-year review. This is the sixth five-year review of this site.
EPA Plans to Reissue Exemption for Hazardous Waste Injection Wells
EPA plans to approve a request request from Vickery Environmental Inc. to reissue an existing exemption to the general ban to include Well No. 8 and is excepting public comments.
EPA Releases Explanation of Significant Differences for Moss-American Superfund Site
Formalized change to the existing cleanup plan at the Moss-American Superfund site in Milwaukee, WI. To address a limited area of site contamination, the EPA will use offsite disposal instead of “low temperature thermal desorption” treatment.
Five-Year Review Public Notices
View the list of notices open for comment: Five-Year Review public notices.