EnPro Holdings Inc. (EnPro) Mines
EnPro Holdings Inc. (EnPro) mines are eight abandoned uranium mine claims located along the Little Colorado River or Highway 89 near Cameron, AZ. Under a 2017 Administrative Order on Consent, EnPro agreed to perform assessments for radium-226, uranium, arsenic, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium at these mine sites.
Site Facts
EnPro Holdings Inc. is responsible for assessing eight of the 111 abandoned uranium mine claims in the region. Two of these eight mines are “priority mines”.
Site Contacts
Remedial Project Manager
Estrella Armijo
(415) 972-3859
Community Involvement Coordinator
Priscilla Tom
(505) 240-0093
Mines in the Cameron area of Navajo Nation were operated in the 1950s and 1960s by a number of different companies before being abandoned. While the Navajo Nation Abandoned Mines Lands program addressed many of the physical hazards associated with these mines, EPA and Navajo Nation EPA (NNEPA) are working to address remaining chemical and radiological hazards that may pose a risk to community members.
In 2017 EPA signed a legal agreement called an Administrative Order on Consent with EnPro to assess eight mine claims in western Navajo Nation. More information about work taking place in the region can be found in the Western Abandoned Uranium Mine (AUM) Region.
Current Field Work and Investigations
EnPro began field work in the Cameron area in 2017 under EPA and NNEPA. Field work includes:
- EPA is drafting an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for the. AB No. 2 and AB No. 3 sites
- EPA is in the decision-making phase for AB No.3 and AB No.2 and in the assessment phase for the Bodaway Gap Sites (6 mines).
Community Involvement
In the communities of Cameron and Coalmine Canyon, residents should know and participate in what EPA is doing in their community and have a say in it. The main purpose of engaging community members is to give them the opportunity to become involved in EPA’s activities and help shape the decisions that are made affecting their community.
To further this goal, EPA developed the Western Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mine Region Community Involvement Plan with input from community members. The Community Involvement Plan is a living document to guide community members and EPA in meaningful information sharing regarding cleanup activities in the Western Abandoned Uranium Mine Region.
Cleanup Progress Timeline
Removal Site Evaluation Report: EnPro Holdings Inc. (pdf)
- Obtained access agreements from homesite lease and grazing permit holders
- Completed ecological and cultural resource surveys
- Placed warning signs at all mine sites
- Completed preliminary gamma radiation surveys of the eight EnPro mine claims
- Submitted Draft Final Remedial Site Investigation Reports for Priority Mines A&B No. 2 and A&B No.3